Fall Body Care

As we move into the cooler weather of late September and early October, there are simple shifts that we can do to care for ourselves. The shift from the warm, sunny days is a drastic shift for my body and mind. This is a time of year where I inevitably catch a cold and a cough that may last for a few weeks. In studying ayurveda while completing the Chopra Health Certification, I learned that there are practices that help to the body and mind to stay in balance.

This may be a simple one but I will say it anyway…wear warm clothes. We all know those mornings when you are stepping outside and it is suddenly really chilly but you expect that it will warm up later in the day. The general rule during this season, especially for those of us who are typically cold, is to bundle up at any feeling of a chill. Your torso is very important to keep warm so layer up with long sleeves and even a jacket.

According to ayurveda, the cold enters through the ears and throat, resulting in a mind that is more spacey or possibly increases anxious thoughts. Too much air and space elements in the head and throat will send the mind out of balance. Once the wind starts to kick up, cover the head, ears, and throat. Hats and scarves are essential items during this season.

Colors can also balance the effects of Fall on the mind through the site sense. Wear clothes with browns, oranges, and yellows, Invite these colors into your home with candles, decorative pillows or a fall flower arrangement. Spend time looking at the beautiful changes of the leaves. These colors will signal the brain that it is time to shift into the harvest season.

The cold Fall air is drying and so our body may feel a bit stiffer when we are getting out of bed or moving from a sitting to standing position. Practicing gentle daily movements will keep joints lubricated. I have recorded a Fall yoga sequence that can be practiced in under 15 minutes a day and can be found on my YouTube page.

A common ayurveda practice is self-massage. Take a few minutes each day or set aside a self-care Saturday/Sunday for a self-massage and then a bath. Use warm oils such as sesame or avocado oil and vigorous strokes on your long muscles and with a circular motion on your joints. Then soak in a warm bath that has been prepared with lavender or eucalyptus bath salts.

Stay warm and I wish you ease in the transition!


Ready to do things in a new way